The quickening development of urbanization, has made urban land resources become more and more scarce, the parking graphics has gradually become one of the limiting factors restricting the development of urban traffic. The flat parking lot type consumes a larger area and will be unable to meet the parking space of high-density urban areas. To this end, the vertical rotary parking system has drawn plentiful attention as an innovative 3D parking method. This paper will describe the application prospects of vertical circulation parking system from technical principle, advantages and implementation difficulty.
System technical principle of the vertical circulation parking system
Vertical circulation parking equipment description: Vertical circulation parking system. Is to use mechanical equipment to put the car vertically to circulate. The main device includes a driving device, a carrier plate, a traverse chain transmission system and a control system. A chain is used to drive the carrier plate that fills the vehicle to access the vehicle. Once parked on the entrance loading board, the user can simply park the vehicle on the board and the system will automatically maneuver the parked vehicle to the nearest open parking spot, and return the parked vehicle to the entrance by reversing the action when the user wants to collect the vehicle.
However, tall circular parking system have been shown to greatly increase parking density per unit area over a flat lot. Just to give you an idea, a vertical circular parking system with only 50 square meters of area has 10-20 parking spaces; a flat parking lot with the same area usually parks 2-3 vehicles.
Advantage of vertical circulation parking system
Conserve land resources
The best thing about vertical circulation parking systems is that they can optimize land resources the most. In the central zone of the city, land resources are limited and expensive, and traditional flat parking lot is difficult to meet the parking demand. According to the development of the air teams, vertical circular parking lot system with limited land can provide more parking spaces reduce the pressure of urban parking.
Improve parking efficiency
Computerized vertical flow parking system, the driver does not have to go out to find a parking site in the garage, simply place the car on the entrance loading board. It transports the vehicle automatically to the free parking space when the parking is completed, and when the vehicle needs to pick up, the vehicle only needs to take the control of the control system, the vehicle can quickly come to the entrance. Not just it makes parking efficient but also, as the users spends lesser time in the parking lot, controls the vehicular traffic.
Improve security
These systems are usually equipped with safety features like fall protection, overload protection and emergency braking systems. They can assist in decreasing mistakes in accessing car and enhancing with security of the users and the vehicles. In addition, because the vehicle is not on the street but rather inside a closed environment, there is less risk of getting damages of theft of the vehicle.
Issues such as environmental protection and energy saving
Unlike the latter, they are electrically powered vertical circular systems that consume less energy than standard sheepfolds. Moreover, the compact dimension of the system also reduces the environmental impact of land development, which is aligned with green architecture and sustainable development.
A Shift Towards Building Vertical Parking Systems
The vertical circulation parking has many advantages, there are still some problems in practical application.
High initial investment cost
Vertical circulation parking system installations have a high initial investment cost. The high-amount cost for equipment procurement, installation and maintenance of vertical circular parking system is greater than traditional flat parking lot. Also, the system requires proper functioning due to a highly skilled maintenance team which comes with higher operating costs too. The high integration cost is a major implementation barrier for cities or companies with restricted capital.
Technical complexity
Vertical circulation car parking system is a kind of complex projects, it not only involves mechanical, electrical, automatic control and other technical fields, but also the system design, installation and commissioning need professional technical team. The user experience must also factor reliability and stability into the equation. In the event of an anomaly in the system, the system may be shut down, which will bring normal use to users. Therefore, technical complexity is crucial in the utilization of vertical circular parking systems.
User acceptance
A VCPS system is a highly advanced parking system, however, the acceptance of the technology by the users can depend upon various factors. For instance, it is possible that users may worry that the automated system is unsafe or they may feel that they may feel that they could get an accident while reaching the vehicle. In addition, the access of time, whether the system of operating interface is friendly will affect the user experience. Therefore, how to improve the user's acceptance of vertical circulation parking system is a problem that must be solved in the promotion process.
Generating policies and regulations
At this stage, the development of vertical circulation parking system needs the support of relevant policies and regulations. Even except traffic department, all land use, high buildings and other aspects of urban planning departments should give policy support to it, such as vertical circular parking system. With a proper relations security standard and specification also wants polished, to enable a steady operation of this standing. These will have more resistance for the popularization of vertical circulation elevator parking system without the policy support.
In this case, we develop a new three dimensional parking pattern: vertical circulation parking system, which has the benefits of saving land resources, increasing parking efficiency, more secure, more environmental protection and energy saving, etc. However, high up-front investment costs, technical complexity, user acceptance, and support-related policies still pose practical obstacles that must be overcome. Unquestionably, as technology continues to develop and policies continue to improve, the vertical circular parking system is poised to increasingly become an integral solution to easing urban parking difficulty in the subordinating parking industry.
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